Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

The winners are....

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

First Place Winner[more]
Hanna Pall
Artist - Walter Pall
Acer palmatum

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

Second Place Winner
Budi Sulistyo
Santigi Pemphis acidula

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

Third Place Winner
Hanna Pall
Artist - Walter Pall
Acer palmatum

Non-Professional Category

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

First Place Winner
Bradley Barlow
Ficus eugenoides

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

Second Place Winner
Bradley Barlow
Ficus benjamina

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

Third Place Winner
Eddie Levinthol
Chinese Banyan

Penjing, Saikei or Forest Planting Category

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

First Place Winner
Mike Page
Kingsville Boxwood

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

Second Place Winner
Hanna Pall
Artist - Walter Pall
Acer campestre

Bonsai Today / Art of Bonsai Photo Contest - Judging Results

Third Place Winner
Ernie Fernandez
Ficus nerifolia


Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010


Bonsai (盆栽 ?) adalah tanaman atau pohon yang dikerdilkan di dalam pot dangkal dengan tujuan membuat miniatur dari bentuk asli pohon besar yang sudah tua di alam bebas. Penanaman (sai, 栽) dilakukan di pot dangkal yang disebut bon (盆). Istilah bonsai juga dipakai untuk seni tradisional Jepang dalam pemeliharaan tanaman atau pohon dalam pot dangkal, dan apresiasi keindahan bentuk dahan, daun, batang, dan akar pohon, serta pot dangkal yang menjadi wadah, atau keseluruhan bentuk tanaman atau pohon. Bonsai adalah pelafalan bahasa Jepang untuk penzai (盆栽).

Seni ini mencakup berbagai teknik pemotongan dan pemangkasan tanaman, pengawatan (pembentukan cabang dan dahan pohon dengan melilitkan kawat atau membengkokkannya dengan ikatan kawat), serta membuat akar menyebar di atas batu. Pembuatan bonsai memakan waktu yang lama dan melibatkan berbagai macam pekerjaan, antara lain pemberian pupuk, pemangkasan, pembentukan tanaman, penyiraman, dan penggantian pot dan tanah. Tanaman atau pohon dikerdilkan dengan cara memotong akar dan rantingnya. Pohon dibentuk dengan bantuan kawat pada ranting dan tunasnya. Kawat harus sudah diambil sebelum sempat menggores kulit ranting pohon tersebut. Tanaman adalah makhluk hidup, dan tidak ada bonsai yang dapat dikatakan selesai atau sudah jadi. Perubahan yang terjadi terus menerus pada tanaman sesuai musim atau keadaan alam merupakan salah satu daya tarik bonsai.


Pohon yang paling umum dibonsai adalah berbagai spesies pinus. Jenis tanaman dan pohon dipakai untuk mengelompokkan jenis-jenis bonsai:[1]

* Bonsai pohon pinus dan ek: tusam, cemara cina, cemara duri, sugi, dan lain-lain.
* Bonsai pohon buah untuk dinikmati keindahan buahnya (Ilex serrata, kesemek, Chaenomeles sinensis, apel mini, dan lain-lain).
* Bonsai tumbuhan berbunga untuk dinikmati keindahan bunganya (Prunus mume,Chaenomeles speciosa, sakura, azalea satsuki).
* Bonsai pohon untuk dinikmati bentuk daunnya (maple, Zelkova serrata, Rhus succedanea, bambu).

Ada banyak sekali tanaman tropis yang telah dicoba dan ternyata cocok untuk dibonsai, di antaranya asam jawa, beringin, cemara udang, waru, dan jambu biji.[2]
Bentuk dasar
Tegak Lurus (Chokkan)
Tegak Berkelok-kelok (Moyogi)
Sarung Angin/Tertiup Angin (Fukinagashi)
Menggantung (Kengai)
Setengah Menggantung (Han Kengai)
Batang Bergelung (Bankan)
Sapu Tegak (Hōkidachi)
Berbatang Dua (Sōkan)
Pohon Sastrawan (Bunjinki)

Tegak Lurus (直幹 ,Chokkan?)
Batang pohon tegak lurus vertikal ke atas. Pohon dikatakan memiliki batang yang ideal bila pohon memiliki diameter batang yang makin ke atas makin mengecil, dimulai dari bagian batang yang dekat dengan akar. Pohon dikatakan memiliki dahan yang ideal bila dahan ada di sisi depan-belakang atau kiri-kanan saling bersilangan satu sama lainnya. Jarak antardahan makin ke atas makin sempit. Bentuk akar ideal adalah akar yang bila dilihat dari atas, menjalar ke segala penjuru.

Tegak Berkelok-kelok (模様木 ,Moyogi?)
Batang pohon tegak berkelok-kelok ke kiri dan ke kanan. Diameter batang makin ke atas makin mengecil dengan keseimbangan kiri dan kanan yang baik. Dahan yang baik adalah dahan yang ada di bagian puncak lengkungan batang pohon. Dahan yang berada di bagian dalam lengkungan dipotong. Dari pangkal batang hingga bagian puncak pohon dapat ditarik garis lurus, dan orang yang melihat tidak merasa khawatir dengan keseimbangan pohon tersebut.

Miring (斜幹 ,Shakan?)
Batang pohon miring ke satu sisi bagaikan terus menerus ditiup angin ke arah tersebut. Bagaikan ada benda yang menghalangi di salah satu sisi, batang pohon tumbuh mencondong ke sisi lain. Ciri khas bentuk ini berupa dahan yang ada hanya di bagian puncak lengkungan batang, dan berselang-seling di sisi kiri-kanan dan depan-belakang.

Sarung Angin (吹流し ,Fukiganashi?)/Tertiup Angin[2]
Dibandingkan bonsai bentuk Miring, pohon tumbuh sambil mengalami paksaan yang lebih kejam. Batang dan dahan pohon hanya condong ke satu arah. Batang dan dahan pohon yang condong ke satu sisi jauh lebih panjang daripada tinggi pohon yang diukur dari pangkal batang ke puncak pohon. Posisi batang dan dahan mirip dengan bonsai gaya Setengah Menggantung, namun batang dan dahan terlihat membentuk garis paralel.

Menggantung (懸崖 ,Kengai?)
Pohon diibaratkan tumbuh di permukaan dinding terjal yang berada di tebing tepi laut atau dinding lembah terjal. Batang pohon tumbuh bagaikan menggantung ke bawah tebing. Puncak pohon tersebut menggantung jauh hingga melebihi dasar pot. Bila puncak pohon tidak melebihi dasar pot maka bonsai disebut Setengah Menggantung (Han Kengai).

Batang Bergelung (蟠幹 ,Bankan?)
Batang pohon terlihat sangat dipilin, atau pohon tumbuh dengan kecenderungan memilin diri. Batang pohon begitu terlihat dipilin bagaikan ular yang sedang bergelung.

Sapu Tegak (箒立ち ,Hōkidachi?)
Batang tegak lurus hingga di tengah sebelum dahan dan ranting tumbuh menyebar ke segala arah. Puncak pohon sulit ditentukan dari sejumlah puncak dahan yang ada sehingga bentuk bonsai ini mirip sapu dari bambu. Keindahan bonsai gaya ini dinilai dari percabangan dahan yang rapi, dan titik dimulainya persebaran dahan dan ranting ke segala arah, tinggi pohon, dan keseimbangan unsur-unsur tersebut.

Menonjolkan Akar (根上り ,Neagari?)
Akibat pohon dipelihara di lingkungan pemeliharaan yang kejam, bagian pangkal akar yang bercabang-cabang di dalam tanah menjadi terekspos ke luar di atas tanah bagaikan akibat diterpa angin dan hujan.

Berbatang Banyak (多幹 ,Takan?)
Dari satu pangkal akar tumbuh tegak lebih dari satu batang pohon. Bila tumbuh dua batang pohon, maka bonsai disebut Berbatang Dua (Sōkan). Bila ada tiga batang pohon, maka disebut Berbatang Tiga (Sankan). Bonsai berbatang lima atau lebih disebut Tunggul Tegak (Kabudachi). Batang berjumlah ganjil lebih disukai. Selain bonsai berbatang dua, bonsai dengan batang berjumlah genap tidak disenangi dan tidak dibuat.

Akar Terjalin (根連なり ,Netsuranari?)
Akar dari sejumlah batang pohon dari satu spesies (tiga batang pohon atau lebih) saling melekat dan berhubungan satu satu sama lainnya. Bentuk ini juga dapat berasal dari batang pohon yang tadinya tegak, namun roboh dan terkubur di dalam tanah. Bagian yang dulunya adalah dahan pohon, berubah peran dan tumbuh sebagai batang pohon. Dari batang pohon tersebut keluar akar, dan akar tersebut terjalin dengan akar pohon asal. Bentuk yang mirip dengan Akar Terjalin disebut Rakit atau Tumbuh dari Batang (Ikadabuki). Bonsai berbentuk Tumbuh dari Batang juga berasal dari pohon yang tadinya tegak, namun roboh dan dahan berubah peran menjadi batang. Perbedaannya dengan Akar Terjalin terletak pada akar yang hanya ada di satu tempat. Seperti halnya bonsai Berbatang Banyak, pohon berbatang genap tidak disukai.

Kelompok (寄せ植え ,Yoseue?)
Lebih dari satu pohon ditanam bersama dalam satu pot dangkal atau ditanam di atas batu. Pohon yang ditanam dapat saja beberapa pohon dari satu spesies, atau campuran dari beberapa spesies berbeda. Nilai kreativitas karya dapat ditinggikan dengan perpaduan benda-benda hiasan yang diletakkan sebagai tambahan.

Pohon Sastrawan (文人木 ,Bunjinki?)/Bebas[2]
Bentuk bonsai ini asal usulnya dari meniru bentuk pohon dalam nanga. Dinamakan bonsai bentuk Pohon Sastrawan karena sastrawan zaman Meiji sangat menggemari bonsai bentuk ini. Pada zaman sekarang, batang kurus, jumlah dahan sedikit, dan dahan pendek juga disebut Pohon Sastrawan.

Pohon Tak Lazim (代わり木 ,Kawariki?)
Bentuk ini dipakai untuk menyebut bonsai yang tidak dapat digolongkan ke dalam bentuk-bentuk bonsai yang lazim.


Bonsai berasal dari seni miniaturisasi tanaman yang disebut penjing (盆景) dari periode Dinasti Tang. Di makam putra dari Maharani Wu Zetian terdapat lukisan dinding yang menggambarkan pelayan wanita yang membawa pohon berbunga dalam pot dangkal. Pot dangkal berukuran kecil ini merupakan miniaturisasi dari pemandangan alam.[3]

Kalangan bangsawan di Jepang mulai mengenal penjing sekitar akhir zaman Heian. Aksara kanji untuk penjing (盆景) dilafalkan orang Jepang sebagai bonkei. Sama halnya dengan di Cina, bonkei di Jepang juga merupakan miniaturisasi dari pemandangan alam. Seni yang hanya dinikmati kalangan atas, terutama kalangan pejabat istana dan samurai, dan baru disebut bonsai pada zaman Edo[4]

Menanam bonsai adalah pekerjaan sambilan samurai zaman Edo, saat bonsai mencapai puncak kepopuleran. Sejak zaman Meiji, bonsai dianggap sebagai hobi yang bergaya. Namun pemeliharaan bonsai dan penyiraman memakan banyak waktu. Sejalan dengan lingkungan tempat tinggal di Jepang yang makin modern dan tidak memiliki halaman, penggemar bonsai akhirnya terbatas pada kalangan berusia lanjut.

Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Mauro Stemberger – Italy


Name: Mauro Stemberger

Location: via Lorenzo Luzzo 49/b 32032 Feltre (BL) , Italy

Availability: Around the World

Willingness to Travel: Everywhere

Programs Offered: Lectures, Demonstrations, Critiques, Workshops, Consultation, Refinishment for exhibitions

Languages Spoken: Italian , English , French , bit of Spanish

Best way to Contact: stemberger [at] libero [dot] it or stemberger [at] hotmail [dot] com

Bio: Architect for work but bonsai master for love.......My interest in "that fascinating Bonsai World" started in 1993. I was very curious about the intrinsic beauty of these small-large works of art. A beauty that harmoniously interacts nature and man. The continuous research of an aesthetic perfection, which we will never succeed to catch up in the course of our short life. That makes us appreciate these small creatures day by day, having the honour to see them on the stands in our garden.Therefore the passion for this particular art holds alive in me and in the time coming.Personally I've a particular love for the conifers, above all the fascination of beauty for the larch, that's the essence Queen of my collection together with yews and junipers, especially the Japanese one, itoigawa and our Italian native Sabina.In a particular way I'm stimulated to always learn something new, thanks to the dialogue and the continuous exchange of experiences with my bonsai friends around the world.I have a good friendship with Enrico Savini, the boss of Progetto Futuro bonsai school, who taught me a lot about bonsai and now I'm one of Progetto Futuro's teachers. I have to especially thank all the persons that supported me in these years of my bonsai passion.
More About this Artist:

Mauro's Blog
Art of Bonsai Gallery

sumber : whoisbonsai.com

Enrico Savini – Italy

Enrico Savini – Italy

Name: Enrico Savini

Location: via Motta n.10-40050 Monteveglio, Italy

Availability: Around the World

Willingness to Travel: Everywhere

Programs Offered: Demonstrations, Critiques, Workshops, Consultation, Refinishment for exhibitions

Languages Spoken: Italian , English

Best way to Contact: enricosavini.ibs [at] alice [dot] it

Bio: bonsai artist
More About this Artist: www.progettofuturobonsai.it

sumber : whoisbonsai.com

Enrique Castaño – Mexico

Enrique Castaño – Mexico

Name: Enrique Castaño

Location: Merida, Mexico. I travel often to the USA, any query please contact me.

Availability: After August 2009

Willingness to Travel: I can travel anywhere in the world.

Programs Offered: Workshops from beginners on shohin, forest and penjing plantings, Tropical trees, woodwork. Workshops should be a 8 hr minimum and 16 maximum unless it includes several visits. Depending on the time schedule there should be at least 2 hours minimum of theory on the subject. Demos and conferences can also be schedule during the visit.

Languages Spoken: Primarly English and Spanish

Best way to Contact: ecs7768 [at] yahoo [dot] com, enriquec [at] cicy [at] mx

Bio:Enrique Castaño from Mexico, is a second generation bonsai artist . He was introduced to the art of bonsai as a normal part of life, overtime his love for nature lead me to study biology from which he obtained his PhD in 1997 from Rochester University, NY. Followed by postdoctoral positions in Harvard and in the UK, which were valued opportunities to observe the work of well known artist and more important to learn about different plant species, how they grow and how to treat them under different conditions. . Currently he is a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology. In the plant institute located in Merida. Besides his research he is very active in the field of Bonsai establishing a group since 2003.

Demonstrations and exhibition
1996 Exhibition in Rochester NY, 2004-2006 organize the annual exhibition of tropical bonsai. Currently organizing the National exhibition of bonsai for Mexico for 2010
2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Demonstrations in the annual exhibition of tropical bonsai Merida Yucatan
2006 Demonstrations for FEMEXBO in Mexico City, Demonstration in Guadalajara, Czech Republic
2002- Present Teaching Bonsai In Mexico
2003-Present President of Bonsai Tropical de Mexico
2005 selected in the international winner by WBF
2006 Selected award for the best bonsai in FEMEXBO
2006 Jan-March Publication by BCI for one of the 100 best in the world
2006 Advisor for the Latin-American golden Award Prize in the China Penjing
2007 publish by ABS “Botany for bonsai: the science behind the art”
2007 gallery in the Art of Bonsai Project as an international bonsai artist
2007 Knowledge of bonsai art to keep a blog of the work carried out.
2008 General director of VIDA
2008 Editor of Knowledge of bonsai art

Current member of BCI, ABS, FELAB
Have publish several articles on international magazines and my bonsai appear on several books distributed world wide.

More About this Artist:


sumber : whoisbonsai.com

Carlos van der Vaart – Holland

Carlos  van der Vaart  – Holland

Name: Carlos van der Vaart

Location: Holland, Maassluis near Rotterdam

Availability: Anytime

Willingness to Travel: All over the world

Programs Offered: Demonstrations and workshops, also designing and (re) styling into a new vision, one on one. Maintenance of bonsai collections as periodic visits to perform seasonal tasks, preparation for shows.

Languages Spoken: Dutch, English and German

Best Way to Contact: carlos [at] carlosvandervaart [dot] com

Bio: Carlos van der Vaart lives in Holland, he was born in Maassluis, a small city nearby Rotterdam.

He is a full time interior designer-architect, next to his work his passion is bonsai.
His appreciation for nature and Japanese culture and art was apparent from an early age.

Because of that he began to take interest in bonsai when he bought a small tree at a local flower shop, that was in 1992. He started to read all the books that where available and joined a local bonsai club.

After winning the European New Talent competition at Munich/Germany in 1996, he got more and more involved in the bonsai scene.

Many of his tree won different National and International awards. He has performed many workshops and demonstrations all over Europe. Because of his many travels he has refined his technique and knowledge in bonsai.

Now he is a member of the "Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe" and he has bonsai schools in Holland and he works on his own studio. Most important for Carlos is nature itself, he spends most of his time in nature to enjoy it, for him bonsai has become a way of live.

More about this Artist: www.carlosvandervaart.com

sumber : whoisbonsai.com

Qingquan Zhao – China


Name: Qingquan Zhao

Location: China (PRC), Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou (near Shanghai and Nanjing)

Availability: Year-Round

Willingness to Travel: Globally

Programs Offered: Demonstrations, lectures, workshops, critiques, judging of exhibits, private sessions

Teaching Level: Master

Specialty: Water and land penjing, Literati style, Forest

Languages Spoken: Need translator for Mandarin Chinese

Best Way to Contact: via Karin Albert, albert [at ] venuscomm [dot] com

Bio: Mr. Zhao (Brook) is an internationally acclaimed penjing/bonsai artist who has conducted lecture/demos, workshops and exhibit critiques for national and international audiences for over 25 years.

Penjing in the Water-and-Land style, a form that has become widely popular, is a form he pioneered in the 1970’s, and this form has since served as his signature style. He is also well-known for creating trees in the literati style. Throughout his long career, he has worked in many styles and with a wide range of tree material, both tropical and temperate.

His unerring eye for aesthetics and the gentle and sensitive approach Mr. Zhao brings to his art have gained him many fans worldwide. His lyrical landscape creations, deeply rooted in China's literati culture, are reminiscent of classical Chinese gardens.

Mr. Zhao’s book “Penjing: Worlds of Wonderment” (Venus Communications, 1997) has been recognized as the classic on China’s ancient art of penjing.

More about this Artist:

More can be found in my book "Penjing: Worlds of Wonderment"
Art of Bonsai Gallery
Art of Bonsai Interveiw

sumber : whoisbonsai.com

Budi Sulistyo – Indonesia


Name: Budi Sulistyo

Location: Indonesia, Jakarta

Availability: By appointment

Willingness to Travel: Anywhere

Programs Offered: Workshops, Demonstrations, Lectures, Critique and Judging

Teaching Level: Expert


Languages Spoken: English

Best way to Contact: budisulistyo [at] yahoo [dot] com

Bio: Budi was born in Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia in 1952. He started doing bonsai in 1976. He is considered as one of the bonsai pioneers in his country. He conducted bonsai program in National Television for almost ten years since 1986. His first international debut was as the headliner and workshops coordinator in ASPAC 1 in Bali 1991. Since then as the first person in Indonesia invited abroad to teach bonsai, he travelled to many countries for demonstrations, workshops, Critiques and judging. He wrote three bonsai books in Indonesian language and one, “Tropical Bonsai Gallery”, in English. His works got many awards from international bonsai bodies like Nippon Bonsai Association and WBFF. In 2007 he was the chief of operation in the 9th ASPAC in Bali. Now he is the vice president of the Indonesian Bonsai Society, the secretary general of the Indonesian Suiseki Association and the director of BCI.
Anyhow, his main job is the director of a real estate company developing houses, offices and shopping complex. While bonsai is considered as his second wife.
More about this Artist:

Budi's Blog
Art of Bonsai Gallery
Art of Bonsai Interview


Boon Manakitivipart – USA


Name: Boon Manakitivipart

Location: USA, Alameda, CA. Near Oakland and San Francisco

Availability: upon request

Willingness to Travel: Domestic and international

Programs Offered: workshops, demonstrations, lectures, private collection care

Teaching Level:


Languages Spoken: English and Thai

Best way to Contact: boon [at] bonsaiboon [dot] com

Bio: Boon's start in bonsai was the result of a birthday gift: a small juniper bonsai. Before long, he joined the Bonsai Society of San Francisco, the club through which he took his first beginner class in the spring of 1989. Anxious to learn as much as possible about bonsai, Boon studied with as many teachers as he could find in California.

Client work:

  • . Styling
  • . Seasonal care
  • . One-on-one workshops
  • . Tree searches

Serious study began when he hosted Akio Kondo, Kihachiro Kamiya's first apprentice. Mr. Kondo arrived as what the Japanese call a first-year professional, and stayed at Boon's home for one year.

In 1993, the Golden State Bonsai Federation awarded Boon a Teacher Development Scholarship; two years later, he received the Ben Oki International Design Award for styling a Sierra juniper. In 1995, Boon
received several informal offers to study bonsai in Japan. Months later he traveled to Japan where he studied bonsai for his first year as an apprentice with Yasuo Mitsuya. Later, his "bonsai home" became Kihachi-En and his master became Kihachiro Kamiya, a great bonsai master with multiple national awards. Boon said once, "He showed me bonsai standards through his amazing talent and deep personal integrity." Boon returned repeatedly to Japan for prolonged periods of bonsai study until his master's passing in January, 2004.

In 1998, Boon founded and became the teacher of Bay Island Bonsai, and started his business, Bonsai Boon.

In April 2000, Boon won the Grand Prize in the Kindai Bonsai Styling Contest in Japan (sponsored by Kindai Bonsai Magazine). Contestants styled large Japanese white pines. Boon was the only non-Japanese in the contest.

The World Bonsai Contest recognized Boon's trees in 2000, 2001, and 2002 as among the world's top 100 entries, and his students' trees have been recognized in every contest to date.

Today Boon makes his living as a full-time bonsai artist in Northern California. He styles client trees, lectures, puts on demonstrations, holds workshops, and finds show-quality bonsai for clients.

More about this Artist:


Tedy Boy – Indonesia


Name: Tedy Boy

Location: Bandung, West Java - INDONESIA

Availability: Anytime

Willingness to Travel: Anywhere for the bonsai world

Programs Offered:

  1. Teaching, Mentoring, Shaping Consultation, Workshop, Demonstration and Lecture A quick way to make bonsai from cheap materials to expensive, for beginner to advance.
    Simple mind and simple solution for simple people.
  2. Let the World Know You, Your Collections and also Your Nursery or Company. Bonsai Training, Documenting, Editing become E-Book, Booklet and DVD Movie.
  3. Bonsaitainment - Bonsai Exhibition, Demonstration, Talk Show + Live Music in public area for education and fun

Teaching Level: Advanced

Specialty: A quick way to get a beautiful bonsai using a simple method

Languages Spoken: Need Indonesian Translator for the best result

Best way to Contact: tedyboybonsai [at] gmail [dot] com

Bio: Name : Tedy Boy, was born in Indonesia on June 21, 1968.
Married with 2 boys and 1 daughter.
Hobby : Drawing, ( since I was 5 years old ), Playing rock music ( although I'm not expert, but I like it and for Fun only : guitar, vocal, and drums ) from age 17, computer editing ( 2 years until now ), and of course, BONSAI from 2000.
Education Background : Accounting, Management & Indonesian Taxation
I was crazy about bonsai because it is very parallel to my other hobby, DRAWING!!. The same sensation with … Rock n' Roll!!! Finally, when making bonsai, I always treat the tree as I treat my canvases or playing rock music. Do not do much thinking, just do it and feel the sensation.

Bonsai Activities :
I more focus and prefer to introduce bonsai to general audience or beginners than anykind of bonsai contest. I hope bonsai will be welcome as other arts like painting, dancing, or music.

1. Introduce it in the shopping malls or other public areas, do some Bonsai Exhibition, Demonstration , Talk-Shows + Live-Music ( "Bonsaitainment" ). The goals are :
a. Motivating public to love a Bonsai Hobby
b. Motivating the beginners bonsai artist to become their self with their uniqueness
c. Giving a new paradigm : making bonsai is easy!!!
Some of those are printed in locals and national news papers.

2. Publishing Booklet + DVD Movie of " Bonsai Demonstration for Beginner & Hobby " Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 ( Indonesian Version, Limited Circulation, Minor Label )

3. Making an article for BCI's Magazine ( 2 editions : 2007 and 2008 )

4. Bonsai Adventure in India ( Ssurup Bonsai Village, Mumbai )

5. Bonsai Teaching for Beginners to Advance, from Cheap Materials to Expensive

I hope that in the future the hobby of bonsai will spread well to public, not only to specific groups. How beautiful it is.

More about this Artist:


Graham Potter – United Kingdom


Name: Graham Potter

Location: Norwich. U.K

Availability: 24-7 - 365 but a little notice would be appreciated.

Willingness to Travel: Anywhere

Programs Offered: Workshops/Demos/Lectures ect.) Lectures, demo or workshops including formal teaching or practical work. Most subjects can be covered in detail to suit your needs. Weekend teaching/workshops on most subjects including carving with power tools and handwork techniques.

I am happy to tackle most subjects as you require. Previous demonstrations have included the following. Again please feel free to contact me to discuss your ideas.

  • Carving techniques for Bonsai using power tools.
  • The creation of deadwood using hand tools.
  • The cultivation/styling and refinement of junipers.
  • The cultivation/styling and refinement of pines.
  • The cultivation/styling and refinement of taxus baccatta - English yew.
  • The cultivation/styling and refinement of olive trees.
  • Collecting, preparing and development of raw material.
  • A critique of members trees.
  • A profile on native deciduous species.
  • A profile of Mediterranean trees for Bonsai.

Teaching Level: English Yew (Taxus Baccatta)

Specialty: Expert

Languages Spoken: English

Best way to Contact: Info [at] kaizenbonsai [dot] com (Be persistent, I get a lot of mail!)

Bio: I began taking an interest in bonsai around 1990, slowly at first but as i found other people to work with enthusiasm grew quickly. By 1995 I was spending 6-8 hours a day working on trees 7 days a week. 1999 I met Kevin Willson who inspired me greatly. Exhibited my first tree at the Ginkgo Awards in 2003 - The Plucking Yew a tree I collected myself. Also exhibited in 2005 & 2007. My trees have placed in the top 10 at the Noelanders trophy for the last 6 years including runner up in 2007.

In 2004 I began a part time bonsai business selling dry goods mail order (formerly Bonsai Mart). Much to my surprise this has grown to be a full time business for my family and our web site is one of the largest of it's kind on the web. Also in 2004/5 i studied horticulture which helped me to understand a lot of the underlying horticultural principles of bonsai. I like to use this grounding to help my students understand WHY we use some of the techniques we do and how to exploit the natural habits and growth rhythms of trees to our advantage. My overwhelming passion is to see trees that are healthy, strong and overflowing with life, these make the best bonsai trees.

I have a reputation for my carving work. This came about because much of my early material was very poor quality and carving helped me to make passable bonsai from them. I still like to do creative carving but feel it is just one small aspect of what we do to create bonsai. My favorite species is English Yew (Taxus Baccatta) closely followed by English Hornbeam and elm. Over the past three years I have begun work with Mediterranean species in the U.K. This has proven extremely rewarding, these species of tree are so tough and fast growing they are a joy to work with.

There is so much yet to learn in bonsai. I do not like to be shackled by convention but am excited by thought of discovering new and interesting ideas and techniques in bonsai. Kaizen - Continual gradual improvement.

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Wlodzimierz Pietraszko – Poland


Name: Wlodzimierz Pietraszko

Location: Poland, Silesia, Wroclaw

Availability: Anytime

Willingness to Travel: All over the world

Programs Offered: Workshops, Demonstrations, Bonsai School

Teaching Level: Expert

Specialty: Conifers

Languages Spoken: Polish, Russian

Best way to Contact: pietraszko [at] bonsai [dot] pl

Bio: Wlodzimierz Pietraszko was born on the 24th of March 1957 in Bystrzyca Klodzka (small city situated in so beutifull mountain area called Sudeten).
For now He is living in Wroclaw- capital province of Lower Silesia.
In 1983 He copleted his study at University of Environmental and Live Sciences in Wroclaw as a M.Sc.and Engineer of Agriculture.
Between 1983 and 1990 He was working for Provincial Department of Agriculture and as well from 1986 He started to handle his own nursery.

Official, formal function:
Initiator and President of Polish Bonsai Club from 1998 to 2002
Initiator and President of Polish Bonsai Association from 2002 up to now
Initiator and lecturer in Bonsai Academy in Wroclaw (Poland)
Initiator and owner of Bonsai Centrum Wroclaw.

28 articles about bonsai in floristic magazines
46 telecast for TV station: TVP1, Polsat, TVN

Demonstrations on international exhibitions:
Czech Republic: EBA Convention in 2003
International Bonsai Exhibition CBA 2001/ 2002/ 2003
England: Harry Tomlinson Bonsai Camp Nottingham in: 2002 and 2003
Hertford Bonsai Club 2004
Italy: EBA Convention 2005
San Marino: EBA Convention 2004
Slovakia: International Bonsai ExhibitionSlovakia in: 2001/ 2002/ 2003/ 2004
Lithuania: International Bonsai Exhibition Alytus in: 2004, 2005 and 2007.
Poland: EBA convention 2006
International Bonsai Exhibition Ksiaz: yearly from 1996 up to 2006

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arek Lenarczyk – Poland and Germany


Name: Jarek Lenarczyk

Location: Poland, Wroclaw and Germany,Enger

Availability: anytime

Willingness to Travel: all over the world

Programs Offered: demonstrations workshops including formal teaching or practical work. also designing and re styling into a new vision, one on one Preparation of bonsai for exhibitions

Teaching Level: Expert

Specialty: conifers and broadleaved trees

Languages Spoken: Polish, English, German, Russian

Best way to Contact: j [dot] lenarczyk [at] gmail [dot] com

Bio: Was born on the 14 july 1964 in Poland. Since over 8 years bonsai proffessional bonsai designer in Bonsaischule Enger (Germany) in 2000 S.Liporace invited him to learn bonsai in studio botanico. Since 2008 study in Japan by master Nobuischi Urushibata (Taisho-en Shizuoka). He readly does the workshops, courses and bonsai demonstrations, showing yours knowledge about bonsai styling. Owner and Leader of LENARCZYK-BONSAI firm (comp.)

More about this Artist: He has simple live way ,,Lern and practice every days'' the solution to be good bonsaist!img_5560

Sandro Segneri – Italy


Name: Sandro Segneri

Location: Bonsai Creative School - Italy

Availability: Sandro Segneri is always available anywhere in the world, but due to his many activities, it is advisable to send each request time before.

Willingness to Travel: Sandro Segneri is always available anywhere in the world, but due to his many activities, it is advisable to send each request time before.

Programs Offered: 1996 / 2009 XIIIth year of teaching activities of the "Creative Bonsai School - Academy."

Avant-garde school for the training of instructors and lovers of bonsai with structured programs with academic methods. A dynamic educational project with the collaboration of teachers and national and international instructors. The school currently has fourteen locations: Rome, Florence, Naples, Prato, Belluno, Ventimiglia, Jallieu Bourgoin (France), Cerreto Guidi, Frosinone ... and academic offices in Florence, Naples and Granada (Spain). The school carries out teaching activities for cooperation in the headquarters of foreign associations in France, Belgium, Czech Republic, Spain, England, USA - Canada, Switzerland and Puerto Rico.

Teaching Level: Master

Specialty: All aspects of bonsai: project. mainteinance,cultivation, display, philosophyl advanced techniques

Languages Spoken: Italian. English

Best way to Contact: info [at] bonsaicreativo [dot] it

Bio: Study trip to Japan: Sandro Segneri with Masters Susumo Sudo and Kunio Kobayashi

Bonsai artist, photographer, sculptor and painter.

Founded in 1996 the school Bonsai Creative School, first school dedicated to the exclusive formation of bonsai instructors: Headquarters - Rome - Naples - Florence - Prato - Belluno - Livorno, Italy French Class in Ventimiglia.

In 2006 founded the section for further academic study, culture, aesthetics and art related to bonsai with offices in Rome, Florence, Naples and Bari

In 2003 the Italian Association U.B.I. award Bonsai Creativo School as the official school for the training of
bonsai instructors.

In 2006 he was awarded the prestigious recognition of the Italian Bonsai School of the year.

Several trees of his collection received the mention of Major Italian Bonsai cultural heritage.

From 2000 to 2005 pupils of School Creative Bonsai represent Italy at the EU EBA New Talent Contest and taking the top award in the 2003.

In 1999, the Republic of San Marino first issued a stamp dedicated to the bonsai and a master of his collection is effigy.

In 2000 received the EBA (bonsai styling and design)award.

In 2001 winner of the Best Italian Bonsai - UBI. Several specimens collected the most significant awards in the Italian National Congress.

Awarded editions in 1999 / 2000 / 2003 Runner Up 2004, 2006 Honorable winner of JAL WORLD BONSAI CONTEST - WBFF.
Prize in 2005 Italy - European Award - Runner up of the prestigious Prize WBFF Certre.
In 2005 The Department of Plant Biology at the University of Rome La Sapienza gives recognition to the qualified contribution in the spread of bonsai.

In 2006 he won the CRESPI CUP - VII International Meeting of Bonsai & Suiseki.

At the National Show-no Kokoro Bonsai Ten in place of Città della Scienza in Naples, Campania Region - Department of Tourism gives the institutional recognition "for the important contribution to teaching and the spreading of bonsai "

His book "Sentieri Bonsai" (Bonsai paths) has been translated into three languages .

His dynamic and creative career led him to conduct lectures and stage demonstrations in national and foreign contests. Creative and innovative artist, Sandro gathers consensus in the most prestigious national and international conferences,by collaborating over thirteen years with the best specialist, both European and American.
IBS Founder and currently President of the Educational Committee of the College National Bonsai & Suiseki instructors. In 2007 part of the Organizing Committee of the BCI-IBS Congress as responsible for "Exhibition and Catalog" curated selection of specimens and equipment.

Demonstrator head liner at the World Congress of the BCI / 2008 in Saint Vincent - Italy where he was awarded the "Iwasaki Award

Headliner demonstrator at the World Congress BCI / 2009 in New Orleans - USA.

In 2008 he was appointed IBS president.

In 2009 winner of the prestigious prize "BCI-PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST-WRITER AWARD"

Collaborate in activities of educational associations in Italy and abroad in Spain, France, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, Switzerland, USA , Canada and Puerto Rico.

More about this Artist: http://www.bonsaicreativo.it/


Nelson Hernandez – USA


Name: Nelson Hernandez

Location: San Juan - Puerto Rico - located 15 minutes from Muñoz Marin International Airport.

Availability: with anticipation

Willingness to Travel: Anywhere

Programs Offered: Workshops - Demos - Study Groups - Private Lessons - Collections Maintenance and Styling

Teaching Level: Expert

Specialty: Tropical and SubTropicals

Languages Spoken: Spanish / Conversational English

Best way to Contact: TabeNeeaBonsai[at]gmail[dot]com

Business Administration and Computers Degree; Practice Bonsai since 1989; 20 years experience; Yamadori and Suiseki collector; winner of several local prizes; BCI design awards winner (PMA1999/PMA2005); WBFF International Winner(3 times); BCI Certified Instructor; Certre Award Judge; 2009 WBFF Bonsai Olympics - Gold Medals(2) Silver Medals(2).
More about this Artist:


Robert Steven – Indonesia


Name: Robert Steven ( 江职宏 )

Location: Jakarta, Indonesia

Availability: By appointment

Willingness to Travel: Yes.

Programs Offered: Workshops, Demonstrations, Lectures, Judging and Critique

Languages Spoken: English and Chinese

Best way to Contact: By emails : markamtr [at] cbn [dot] net.id or robertbonsai [at] hotmail [dot] com

  • Started doing and collecting Bonsai in 1979. Have permanent exhibit centre with over 500 Bonsai collection in wide variety of species.
  • Have won more than 200 competition awards nationally as well as international e.g.:
    • Entry Award of 2000 JAL World Bonsai Contest
    • Entry Award of 2000 Ben Oki International Design Award
    • Runner-up winner of 2001 Ben Oki International Design Award
    • Grand Winner of 2001 Certre Award International
    • Runner-up winner of 2002 Ben Oki International Design Award
    • Runner-up winner of 2002 Certre Award Competition
    • Entry Award of JAL World Bonsai Contest 2002
    • Runner-up of World Bonsai Contest 2003
    • Bronze Award of 2006 BCI Convention in China
    • Grand Winner of 2007 Certre Award International
    • The Most Original Design Award 2007 of KoB
  • Ex-Secretary General of Asia-Pacific Bonsai Friendship Federation (ABFF).
  • Education Department Head of ABFF.
  • Ambassador to Bonsai Clubs International (BCI).
  • BCI Board of Director’s member (2002-now) & Public Relation Committee Head.
  • International Bonsai judge doing domestic and international Bonsai judging
  • Coordinator of “ABFF Award - Ismail Saleh Trophy”, an international Bonsai Photo Contest.
  • Keen promoter of Chinese Penjing, Expressionistic & Surrealistic Bonsai styles.
  • One of the initiators and key-speakers of Indonesian Bonsai Art Discussion Forum.
  • Active in writing Bonsai and Penjing articles for newspapers & magazines and columnist for the Readers Forum in BCI’s Bonsai & Stone Appreciation magazine.
  • Expert Editor of Green Hobby magazine.
  • Editor of Knowledge of Bonsai Forums (http://knowledgeofbonsai.org).
  • Editor of The Art of Bonsai Project (http://artofbonsai.org).
  • Intensively travelling around the world conducting Bonsai and Penjing teaching, lectures, demos, workshops and judging including on national TV program.
  • First book “Vision of My Soul” was published in April 2005 in luxury limited edition had been one of the best seller Bonsai books sold out within 6 months. The second edition is just reprinted.
  • Second book "Mission of Transformation" has published and available at www.stonelantern.com

Stefano Frisoni – Italy


Name: Stefano Frisoni

Location: Arceto di Scandiano, Italy

Availability: Anytime

Willingness to Travel: Around the world

Programs Offered: Stage, workshops, demonstrations

Teaching Level: Expert

Specialty: Stage and finishing bonsai

Languages Spoken: Italian and English

Best way to Contact: frisonis [at] libero [dot] it

Bio: Born in Rimini (Italy) in 1967, graduated in Agriculture, the'94 is dedicated to the art of bonsai.

This passion led him to be always looking for new techniques and working at, drawn from various schools of thought, and then in turn send it to new fans.

Coming acknowledged his professionalism in the art of bonsai, in 2004 joined the National Trainers IBS.

In 2000 socio UBI (Union Bonsaisti Italians).

In 2007, socio BCI (Bonsai Clubs International).
Actively participates, in addition to working with magazines to exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops and Workshops National and European level, which allow him to win prizes and awards.

He prefers working on Yamadori, both native to import, ensuring in particular the aesthetic and artistic, then impressing in his work style and naturalness.

Some of his works were presented:

  • UBI 2002'03'04'05'06'07'08.
  • Ginkgo Bonsai Award 2003'05'07.
  • Crespi Cup 2006.
  • Certre International Award 2005'06'07'08.
  • World Congress BCI-IBS Valle d'Aosta in 2008.
  • Demonstrator at the IX Congress IBS 2005.
  • Demonstrator to Sho Ryu Kai Holland in 2008.
  • Demonstrator at the World Congress BCI-IBS 2008.

More about this Artist:


Ryan Neil

One Road Leads to Another

By Ryan Neil

As I’m sitting here on the plane ready to leave one chapter of my life and take off on another I can’t help but reflect on all that I have experienced and learned over the past five and a half years. I have come to value my experience as an apprentice of the great Masahiko Kimura as if it were gold, but I never could have fathomed the complicated life of an apprentice, nor believed I personally could persevere when it all began.

I had known since high school that I wanted to pursue bonsai and I thought my journey to California to attend college was a mere stepping stone in my pursuit. As fate may have it, California was the starting point of the rest of my life. After all, it was there I had the honor of studying with multiple influential people, including the catalyst for my apprenticeship, Mr. Ben Oki. After only a few short meetings Mr. Oki must have seen my passion and dedication to bonsai, and was generous enough to invite me to Japan where he personally recommend my services to Mr. Kimura. I returned to the states determined to seize the opportunity and initiated a letter writing campaign to Mr. Kimura in which I expressed my intent to serve as his apprentice; one letter a month for nearly two years. To me that was the beginning of an unwavering commitment I pursued with an ambition that at times has surprised even me.

Throughout my apprenticeship I have seen countless foreigners attempt to acquire the same position in my master’s nursery only to fall short for one reason or another. I slowly have come to realize how lucky I am Mr. Kimura felt compelled to give me a chance, coming only in the form of a short note received 23 months after writing my first letter. His response read, “You are welcome to come and study IF you are willing to do what it takes to be my apprentice.” It was a daunting acceptance and a fitting precursor to my formal education in bonsai.

The flight attendant just notified us of the plane’s departure but I find myself wondering whether she was speaking Japanese or English. By now the two have started to sound the same inside my head; a subtle change that has occurred, like so many others, over the past five years. I remember my first day at the nursery showing up a few hours early, clueless but excited, determined yet down right afraid. Being a foreigner at Mr. Kimura’s nursery increased the potential for mistakes, and the majority of my first three years were spent relearning what 21 years of life had already taught me. He placed me in the smallest work space in the workshop telling me it would help shrink me down to an apprentice size. So there I sat working on trees hour after hour, day after day. Initially I could only sit in seza (on my knees) for a few minutes and was granted mercy once sweat and smirks of pain naturally emerged. However, like learning Japanese and the system of thought that governed Mr. Kimura’s nursery, my knees also made the adjustment to the foreignness of life as an apprentice.

As the plane lifts off and I look down on the farm ground surrounding Narita airport I remember the relief I felt being granted my first leave as an apprentice, heading home to see my family nearly two years after starting. Initially I was the youngest of 5 apprentices, the grunt, at times the pee-on, and always the one with the most to learn. Things that come naturally to me now were so incomprehensible to me then, and things that seemed impossible have naturally become an unspoken ability. This transition from clueless to capable occurs in anyone who dedicates themselves to translating what Mr. Kimura teaches them into conscious thought within themselves. However, the turning point in my apprenticeship came upon my return to Japan from that 10 day hiatus, and the graduation of my two senior senpai.

Within the bonsai world most masters have an ongoing chain of apprentices. Students enter his nursery on a continuing basis, and each new apprentice works to gain knowledge and experience so he is ready to take over when his senpai receive their master’s blessing to pursue bonsai on their own. Like most other transitions, the move from being the youngest to the eldest apprentice was difficult, if not traumatic. However, it also offered the biggest opportunity to improve myself as a person and my skills in bonsai. In the blink of an eye I went from being a role player in Mr. Kimura’s nursery to being his right hand man, and all the responsibility that I used to dread baring was naturally placed on my shoulders to be taken in stride.

Of course, like this plane’s course flying from Japan to San Francisco, my path as an apprentice was mapped out with the utmost care and consistency by my master. Little to my knowledge, Mr. Kimura had been gearing me up for the day I would accept the brunt of responsibility at his nursery. And even though there was room for dramatic improvement, bonsai work was the least of his worries. Instead, the biggest challenge I faced throughout my entire apprenticeship was being put in the position to teach my kohai (younger apprentices). How does someone who still struggles at times with the language go about teaching his peers the intricacies of caring for their master and conducting themselves in the highest manner? After all, we are extensions of our master, and where we go he follows, whether he is with us or not.

I spent a tremendous amount of time wrestling with this question and the uncertainty of my inherent responsibilities. Even to this day, as I look out the window and realize Japan is now miles behind me, a speck in the ocean, I question whether I’ve done what was necessary to pass the torch to the next generation of apprentices at Mr. Kimura’s nursery. Yet, it is within this continual consciousness of my concern for their wellbeing that I realize the most important thing. Regardless of culture or language, if my actions came from the heart and my sense of gratitude and respect for my master were as strong as my concern for his wellbeing then I will have done all I can, and that is enough.

So, I turn my head from looking back on my once tiny world and look at the map of my flight to come on the monitor in front of me. Funny how they can capture such a massive image of the world on such a small screen. In reality the world has become quite small and the role of bonsai within the world much larger. I sense the potential for great prosperity in the American world of bonsai as well as abroad, but not without the same amount of suffering and growth, determination and dedication. I think America has bonsai greatness sitting at our fingertips but we have a long road ahead if we are intent on grasping our opportunity and fully realizing our potential to achieve great things. Just as this plane has a course to arrive in San Francisco, I had a course to arrive as an apprentice, and I believe the U.S. has a course to arrive as a greater bonsai nation. I look forward to the journey, and hope you are all onboard to tackle the challenge and seize the opportunity. I’m excited to you see you all at the GSBF Convention in Santa Clara, October 2010 to begin another chapter in American bonsai!