
Name: Stefano Frisoni

Location: Arceto di Scandiano, Italy

Availability: Anytime

Willingness to Travel: Around the world

Programs Offered: Stage, workshops, demonstrations

Teaching Level: Expert

Specialty: Stage and finishing bonsai

Languages Spoken: Italian and English

Best way to Contact: frisonis [at] libero [dot] it

Bio: Born in Rimini (Italy) in 1967, graduated in Agriculture, the'94 is dedicated to the art of bonsai.

This passion led him to be always looking for new techniques and working at, drawn from various schools of thought, and then in turn send it to new fans.

Coming acknowledged his professionalism in the art of bonsai, in 2004 joined the National Trainers IBS.

In 2000 socio UBI (Union Bonsaisti Italians).

In 2007, socio BCI (Bonsai Clubs International).
Actively participates, in addition to working with magazines to exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops and Workshops National and European level, which allow him to win prizes and awards.

He prefers working on Yamadori, both native to import, ensuring in particular the aesthetic and artistic, then impressing in his work style and naturalness.

Some of his works were presented:

  • UBI 2002'03'04'05'06'07'08.
  • Ginkgo Bonsai Award 2003'05'07.
  • Crespi Cup 2006.
  • Certre International Award 2005'06'07'08.
  • World Congress BCI-IBS Valle d'Aosta in 2008.
  • Demonstrator at the IX Congress IBS 2005.
  • Demonstrator to Sho Ryu Kai Holland in 2008.
  • Demonstrator at the World Congress BCI-IBS 2008.

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